Los Introverts Podcast
Just two introverts trying to socialize one podcast at a time. New Episodes EVERY WEDNESDAY 12pm PST Video Version on Youtubehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC32Xo3YfTdaz5M6mv8z5j4g
14 episodes
Spider-Man Review And Andy Is Back - Los Introverts #14
In this episode of Los Introverts we play a little catch up, talk about the new spiderman movie and Andy mentions his favorite wrestling move. Video Version on Youtubehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC32Xo3YfTdaz5M6mv8z5j4g...

Halloween And Life Updates - Los Introverts #13
In this episode of Los Introverts we explore psychedelics and some life updates!Video Version on Youtubehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC32Xo3YfTdaz5M6mv8z5j4gMusic brought to you by Sounds Like an Earfulhttps://soundsl...
Season 1
Episode 13

Andy Takes Over! - Los Introverts #12
In this episode of Los Introverts Andy shows us why he is actually the star of the show.Video Version on Youtubehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC32Xo3YfTdaz5M6mv8z5j4gMusic brought to you by Sounds Like an Earfulhttps:/...

We Are Back! - Los Introverts #11
In this Episode of Los Introverts we catch up after finishing moving back to school. Its just a laid back episode hope yall enjoy it!Video Version on Youtubehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC32Xo3YfTdaz5M6mv8z5j4gMusic broug...

School Is Already Kicking Our Butts - Los Introverts #10
In this episode of Los Introverts we talk about a woman suing McDonalds for breaking lint. What does heartburn feel like. Jordys connection to music and art, Lionel Messis new contract, Kanye vs Drake, Andys feet shrinking and Jordy being a pro...
Season 1
Episode 10

NBA Drafts And Wrestling GOATS - Los Introverts #9
In this episode of Los Introverts we talk about life having us down, concerts being a little sketchy with the Delta in the rise, Kanye west continues his residency at the Mercedez Stadium, Can someone actually be the GOAT, our different styles,...
Season 1
Episode 9

Yeezy Season Is Boofing Season! - Los Introverts #8
In this episode of Los Introverts Jordy pays up and takes a dab, we also talk about boofing, the Tokyo Olympic beds, Andy keeps avoiding the History Quickie, Our different sense of humor, the Alaskan man that got attacked by a grizzly, when is ...
Season 1
Episode 8

Voyager Q's and Off The Wall 2 - Los Introverts #7
The GoFundMe for Ijeoma Ukenta, Assaulted By ‘Victoria’s Secret Karen, has raised the money she will need and has since disabled for any more donations. In this episode of Los Introverts we talk about the sewage discharge in LA, our...
Season 1
Episode 7

The EUROS Go To The Neighbors! - Los Introverts #6
In this episode of Los Introverts we talk about Italy winning the UEFA EUROS, Connor McGregor losing his match, the real life Frank Reynolds, how Los Introverts feel about birthdays, life in New York, we hold a spelling bee in honor of Zaila Av...
Season 1
Episode 6

The Great Chiles Rellenos VS Tortas Debate - Los Introverts #5
In this episode of Los Introverts we talk about who will take the UEFA EUROS, Jordy talks about how he tricked Andy into paying for an application, the Tour de France incident, Britney Spears update, and the great debate of Chiles Rellenos vs T...
Season 1
Episode 5

We Take On The Last Dab - Los Introverts #4
In this episode of Los Introverts Jordy and Horace take on the Hot Ones Last Dab, The Apollo, Jordy learns of the UEFA EUROS, they give self help advice on their favorite hobbies, and react to the Karen Trailer all while surviving the heat of t...
Season 1
Episode 4

Leave Britney Alone! - Los Introverts #3
In this episode of Los Introverts we talk about going back to concerts, The meaning of PLUR, Britney Spears conservatorship, should you separate the artist from his art, and Andy introduces the first Debate for Jordy and Horace. Vi...

Sleepless And Off The Wall - Los Introverts #2
In this off the rails episode of Los Introverts we talk about what happens after we pass away, what we do in our free time, and Andy talks about his dancing story with a very convenient audio mishap for himself.Video Version on Youtube<...
Season 1
Episode 2